Defibrillator / Monitor model Re-pulse6 is an electroshock device manufactured by AVECINNA Company. This device meets all the needs of the medical team of hospitals, including doctors, nurses and medical engineers. The electroshock device has manual defibrillation modes, cardioversion (synchronous) and temporary non-invasive pacemaker and allows monitoring of ECG, SpO2, NIBP, IBP, TEMP, CO2 for the user. This device is also of use Frequent type and stores the patient’s vital events and symptoms as Trend, the data of which can be seen through the CODE SUMMARY key in the front panel of the device. This machine can be used with urban electricity and batteries. It also has an external Li-Ion rechargeable battery. 


  •  Energy: 1-200J
  •  Waveform: Biphasic
  • Truncated Exponential
  • Mode: Manual, Cardioversion, AED
  • Charging Time: Less than 6 Seconds
  • Noninvasive Pacing
  • Waveform: Rectilinear, Constant Pulse
  • Current: 0- 200 mA
  • Rate: 30- 180 ppm
  • Refractory Period: 340 ms (30-80 ppm); 240 ms (90-180 ppm)
  • Mode: Demand or Fixed Rate